Fedora EPEL for CentOS 6

At the time of writing the release page could be found at:

From there you could find out the rpm location. Then at the terminal:

wget http://mirrors.coreix.net/fedora-epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-6.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-6-6.noarch.rpm
yum search xfce

sudo on CentOS

After a fresh install of CentOS I found that my user had not been added to the sudoers file:

[matt@matt-centos ~]$ sudo yum update
matt is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

To add yourself to the sudoers file you can:

su root
nano /etc/sudoers

Then search for:
root ALL=(ALL) ALL

And add yourself directly underneath like so:
matt ALL=(ALL) ALL

Then save and exit.

To check it worked try:

sudo yum update

Google Chrome on CentOS

Installing google chrome is surprisingly easy. At the terminal:

su root
nano /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo

Then copy and paste the following into the nano and save / exit:

name=google-chrome - 32-bit

name=google-chrome - 64-bit

Now try:

yum search chrome
yum install google-chrome-stable

VirtualBox Guest Additions on CentOS

The following steps show how to install VirtualBox 4.1.14 Guest Additions onto CentOS 6.2 x64. First, you need to update to the latest kernel using yum update. Then you need to install the kernel header files and a compiler using yum install. You need to be root, so at the terminal do the following:

su root
yum update
yum install kernel-devel gcc

You need to restart the virtual machine then before continuing. Once you’ve restarted you can mount the Virtual Box 4.1.14 Guest Additions CD by pressing Host+D (on MacOS at least). To run the install script you need to be root again, so at the terminal do:

su root

If for some reason something goes wrong I recommend checking that you have the right kernel / kernel headers installed using:

yum info kernel
yum info kernel-devel

These steps should resolve the following error message:

VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules [FAILED]
Your system does not seem to be set up to build kernel modules.